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When we first started the dolphin swim in Miami we originally called it the Dolphin Swim Adventure like our other locations we offer. As this name implies, you will be going into deeper water at some point during your experience with the dolphins.

This programs gives you 30 minutes in shallow and deep water. During the shallow water time, You will get to pet, hug, play, kiss and do all kinds of tricks with the dolphins. Then during your deep water time, you will get the exciting ride across the pool.

This single ride will give you the sense of all the power and strength the dolphin has as it easily pulls you across the water.  The Miami Seaquarium Management felt the name was too common and changed the name to the Dolphin Odyssey. So we use both name. Which one do you like better?

We may be switching to the Dolphin Swim Adventure name again in 2023. We will see.

This is a photo of the ride across the water. Hold on!!

The Deep Water Miami Dolphin Odyssey Ride

You will get plenty of time to interact with the dolphins with one on one behaviors you will truly enjoy!

Miami Dolphin Odyssey Shallow Water portion of the program.