Your dolphin program in Miami includes all the shows and exhibits within the facility. When you arrive at the park, you will get a map and show schedule. As soon as you get the schedule, you can make your arrange your time within the park.
You will have a chance to 2 dolphin shows and 1 seal lion show. Also, we have mini exhibits of Manatees, Rays, Sea Lions, Penguins, Birds and Reptiles.
Unfortunately, the Miami Seaquarium show schedule changes every day so it would not be possible to post a daily schedule online. This is why you need to check out the schedule upon check in. If you do your dolphin program in morning, you will see all the shows in the afternoon. This is the best value for your money, because you can stay the whole day in the park.
Roughly, if you show up at 10 – 11am, you would be able to see all the shows by 2:30pm. Also, if you show up at 12:30pm, you can see all the shows by 4:30pm. Lastly, if you show up at 2pm, you would see all the shows by 5:30pm.
Hopefully this will help you on the show schedule in Miami.