We get many requests per day asking what is the difference with the Miami Dolphin Encounter and the Miami Dolphin Swim Adventure / Odyssey and Dolphin Royal Swim. Well a few things, first, the price. As of the writing the price for the swim is usually about $60 per...
Sea lions are brown, bark loudly, “walk” on land using their large flippers and have visible ear flaps. Seals have small flippers, wriggle on their bellies on land, and lack visible ear flaps Many facilities have Sea Lions but here in Miami is one of the...
Many customers ask “where do you swim with the dolphins in Miami”. The dolphin habitat in Miami is a relatively new state of the art pool facility, built in the last 10 years. The Royal Swim is done in the Flipper lagoon. This facility pumps natural water...
Finally the cooler weather is here in South Florida. You will know it because the ocean breezes will feel great and the water is still very warm and beautiful. Welcome to South Florida’s Fall weather, when the average high temperature is 80 degrees during the...
Our sister company Dolphin World Fort Myers used to have a booking office there. Unfortunately, in the Fort Myers area there are no dolphin facilities to enjoy a dolphin swim program. The closest locations to do this is Miami or Orlando. If you have a car or...